<blockquote> tag for extended quotation

WE can add indent to a group of text or multiline of text by using blockquote html tag. Indicates that the enclosed text is an extended quotation. By using cite attribute the URL of the source can be given. By using <cite> element the details of the source in text can be given.
<blockquote> This is some text inside </blockquote>
With more line of text.
This is normal text without any formatting . Normal text tet only
This is within blockquote tag so it will be displayed like this , with added indent to the text display next line
This is after blockquote text so no indenting here


Example of using <cite> element along with </blockquote>
<blockquote>PHP is a server side Scripting language</blockquote>
<cite>plus2net PHP Section</cite>
PHP is a server side Scripting language
plus2net PHP Section
<blockquote cite='../php_tutorial/site_map.php'>PHP is a server side Scripting language</blockquote>
PHP is a server side Scripting language

blockquote and CSS

We can add style properties to blockquote element.
blockquote { 
 font-size: 20px;
 padding: 20px;

DEMO : BLOCKQUOTE with style properties

HTML Bold Text tag Underline text


* indicates required
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