is_nan() : whether a value is not a number

echo is_nan(4); // Return  False
echo "<br>";
echo is_nan(4.78); // Return  False
echo "<br>";
echo is_nan(0); // Return  False
echo "<br>";
echo is_nan(acos(2)); // Output is True
bool is_nan ( float $input )
$inputRequired : Number to check.
The output is TRUE if $input is 'not a number', else False.

We can check a input or variable is a number or not by using is_nan function. Note that we can't check a string with this function.
We can check square root of a negative number with is_nan() function. Here is a sample code to check.
$v = acos(1.1);
echo "this is not a number";
echo "this is a number";
Output is here. More about acos()
this is not a number
You can change the line $v=acos(1.1) with different values of variable $v and see the result.
$v=5.23; // this is a number
$v=4; // this is a number
Getting the output by using var_dump()
echo var_dump(is_nan(4)); // bool(false)
echo "<br>";
echo var_dump(is_nan(4.78)); // bool(false)
echo "<br>";
echo var_dump(is_nan(0)); // bool(false)
echo "<br>";
echo var_dump(is_nan(acos(2))); // bool(true)


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