Welcome to the Python Programming

Python is an incredibly versatile and powerful programming language known for its simplicity and readability. As an interpreted, high-level language, Python supports multiple programming paradigms, including procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming.

Its extensive standard library, combined with comprehensive third-party modules, allows for the development of applications ranging from web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, scientific computing, and more.

Guido van Rossum known as the creator of the Python programming language.

Dive into our tutorials, tips, and guides, and join the millions of developers worldwide who are building the future with Python.

indentation matters

Indent in Python codingBlock of codes are maintained by using same indent. Line of codes within a particular loop or if condition is maintained within the same indent. Nested loops also maintain the similar indenting condition.

Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)

Dive into our comprehensive guide on Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) for Python, tailored for both beginners and seasoned developers. This page offers an in-depth look at how the right IDE can enhance your coding efficiency, streamline your workflow, and transform your programming experience. Whether you're writing your first line of Python code or working on complex projects, find the perfect IDE to suit your needs and elevate your coding journey.

Explore the Best Python IDEs for Your Development Journey

Python Version

import sys
Output ( may change based on installation )
3.7.10 (default, Feb 20 2021, 21:17:23)
Using Command Line interface ( type cmd in search or type cmd in Run box )
python --version

Installed libraries

Display a list of installed libraries available with Python. ( Try it in Colab also. )
%pip freeze
In windows use like this at your command prompt.
C:\Users>python -m pip freeze
Unix MacOS
$ python -m pip freeze

Python Basics

commentsSingle line or multiline comments
dateDate functions
DocstringsDocumentation of Modules functions methods and class.
functionsUser defined function with Parameters handling
File handlingMethods for file handling
Class & ObjectObject Oriented Programming in Python
generatorcreating iterator in python
iteratoriterable object by using iter() in python
mathMath functions
mutableMutable and Immutable objects
randomGenerating random integer and float numbers between a range
StringString methods and applications
Sample CodesSample codes in python
try catchHandling error in Python
variableHow to declare and rules
Reserved WordsList of reserved words and how to check

Learn Python basics through ONLINE classes

Python libraries

calendarCalendar Module
IPIP address and host name in Python
JsonJson methods to manage Json data formatting
osoperating system interfaces
tkinterPython GUI Module module
TurtleDraw graphics in Python
tupleOrdered unchangeable items list
DjangoPython web framework
PicklePickle or Un-pickle Python objects
PillowPython Imageing Library : PIL
Numpyscientific computing using Numpy
PythrendsUn offical google API to get data from Google Trends
PDFCreate PDF files with shapes and tables.
xlsxwriter, openpyxl Managing Excel file
Database Management using Python
MySQLPython functions to manage MySQL database
SQLitePython functions to manage SQLite database
OperatorsAll Python Operators
Installing Python
IIS cgiPython through IIS CGI
Python Google sheets



Python data analysis tool
Pandas Data analysis tool
online classJoin our online class through google meet
BeautifulSoup for screen-scrapingBy using BeautifulSoup we can parse HTML or XML documents and get the required tags or contents
tensorflowtensorflow basics
matplotlibmatplotlib library to draw graphs
BeautifulSoupmatplotlib library to draw graphs

CBSE Python

High School Python ( part of Syllabus)
CBSE Python syllabus with link to solutions are here.


IPython (Interactive Python) is an enhanced interactive shell that builds upon the default Python interactive shell. It provides advanced features for interactive computing in Python, including but not limited to:
  • A rich toolkit for interactive data visualization and use of GUI toolkits.
  • Easy-to-use, high-performance tools for parallel computing.
  • Comprehensive introspection, the capability to access the underlying Python objects with ease.
  • Improved readability of code outputs with syntax highlighting.
  • A browser-based notebook interface via Jupyter Notebooks, which supports code, text, mathematical expressions, inline plots, and other rich media.
  • Magic commands (special commands prefixed with % or %% that are designed to solve common problems in standard data analysis).

Difference Between IPython and Python

  • Interface and Features: Python's standard shell is simpler and primarily focused on executing Python commands. IPython, on the other hand, offers a rich set of interactive features designed to enhance user productivity in data science and other computational tasks.
  • Target Audience: While Python serves programmers across all domains, IPython is particularly beneficial for scientists, researchers, and data analysts due to its powerful interactive features that facilitate exploration and testing.
  • Integration with Jupyter: IPython integrates with Jupyter Notebooks, providing an interactive web-based interface that combines executable code, rich text, equations, and visualizations in a single document.
  • Extension and Customization: IPython allows for a higher degree of customization and extension, with support for profiles, plugins, and magic commands, making it adaptable to a wide range of workflows.
  • Use Cases: Python can be used for scripting, web development, app development, and more. IPython, while capable of similar tasks, shines in interactive computing, exploratory data analysis, and scientific research.
In summary, IPython is not a different language but an enhanced interactive shell and set of tools that provide additional functionalities on top of Python, aimed at making the interactive Python experience more productive and enjoyable, especially for data-intensive and scientific computing tasks.

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    I have created small hotel management system using Python and Sqlite3. Before I convert it to Python exe, everything is fine. Whenever I close the program and reopen it again, I see everything I inserted into it.

    But when I convert it to Python exe using Pyinstaller, an error arises. Everything I inserted into my Python exe file gets lost when I close the app and reopen it.

    Please I appreciate your help.


    The supporting files should be created in one directory. Try to keep all supporting files in one location and then create the .exe

    Post your comments , suggestion , error , requirements etc here

    Python Video Tutorials
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