Clock showing change in time in different time zones(2) smo1234
Auto creation of row when data enter from child window to parent window.(1) renuka
can't get javascript alert message to work when name entered can't be found(1) ElizaKaye
can't get alert message to come up if name not found(3) ElizaKaye
cms script(0) lyal86
JavaScript for date/time refresh(1) Carsue1997
3 listbox ajax dropdown with reload(this.form)(0) cabalsdemon
Keyword search using AJAX in MySQL database with submit button(0) nico76
No data from second list(3) gwhite12
Help with Javascript Dynamic populations of fields(1) PeraEve
about dd & dd-check(4) tracy329
js-dd2 and ajax-dd - not working(2) basmistry
how to dynamically add text boxes with add and remove link based on drop down choices,only if a particular choice is selected.(1) joleena
javascript string validation(1) mmriceiu
Change innerHtml on keypress(2) mmriceiu
Browser window closed user status how can update "OFF"(0) joeshubi
Displaying link description in text blocks(1) kisumsam
Textbox working issue to lessen the time in typing (1) newphpcoder
Flash Detection code(0) newphpcoder
escape function and uriencode in Javascript(0) smo1234