Match Against search |
Primary Key is unique and not null constraint of the column to identify the row and we can use one Primary Key for one table. Primary Key constraint |
Functions | Description |
AVG | Average value of a column and other math functions |
Alter | Changing the table Structure |
Between | Records between two ranges |
CASE | Condition check with select query |
Count | Number of records in a table with different combinations |
Copy Table | Copy data from one table to another table |
CONCAT | Joining and adding strings to columns |
Create Table | Create table by using SQL |
Database | Create , display and delete Database |
Delete | Delete records from table |
Drop | Deleting table or table column |
Distinct | Unique records of a table |
Group by | Grouping data of a column of MySQL table |
Group_concat | Grouping string data to single column |
Having | Matching data by Having command with group by |
Insert | Adding records to a table |
IS | Is operator to check against Boolean values |
IF | Checking Condition with Group By |
Insert Set | Adding record with matching column and value |
Inner Join | Joining table to itself |
IN | Matching record with set of data |
Left join | Joining two tables and getting matching records with unique combination |
Limit | Getting limited records with starting and ending limit |
Like | Matching record with wildcard and formatting |
Locate | Matching record and getting position of the search string |
MAX | Highest number of a column ( math functions: min, sum, average etc ) |
NULL value | Missing or unknown data |
Over() | Grouping window function using over() and partition |
Order By | displaying A to Z or Maximum to Minimum data |
OR AND | Logical operators to use in a query |
Rand | Random records from a table |
Replace | Updating part of data |
REGEXP | Regular expression to match pattern in string data |
Rename Table | Rename table by query |
Select Query | Select record from a table |
Show Tables | Listing of Database and Tables |
Subqueries | Query inside a query |
Union | Joining tables and getting records |
Update | Update record with new data |
Where | Getting records with conditions |
Functions | Description |
Date & Time | Managing Date & time field of MySQL table by formatting outputs and applying calculations on year, month, day etc. |
Math Functions | Counting total, average, Sum of a range of records by using Math Functions |
String Functions | to use get length, lower case, repeat, reverse etc. |
Functions | Description |
left join | Managing Date & time field of MySQL table by formatting outputs and applying calculations on year, month, day etc. |
left join II | Left join using Multiple tables |
left join III | Example of Left Join using multiple tables |
RIGHT JOIN | RIGHT Outer join of tables using ON columns |
Linking Table | Displaying records connecting more than one table |
Union | Join two tables and display unique records |
Inner Join | Joining tables with itself and displaying records |
CROSS Join | Joining all rows of both tables |
Functions | Description |
Record exists | Record is already available in a table ( checking userid ) |
second highest | Getting the second highest number in a table column |
sub groups | Grouping within a group by sub-groups |
Changing order | Displaying highest or lowest or changing the display order |
Sum storing | Inserting sum of a column in other table |
Length of Data | Length of characters present in a field |
CSV Data | Download table rows as CSV file data |
Functions | Description |
Keyword Search | Generate SQL from the input search string and apply |
Dynamic Search | Generate Query based on various input combinations |
SQL Security | database vulnerability and injection attacks |
Excel to MySQL | Shifting records from Excel to MySQL |
17-06-2020 | |