Database help

Hello First of all thanks for your help in advance. I have built a members website and can use HTML but PHP seem to be not working going round in circles with php. and cant work it out
So Ive made a page that allows users to input there details and register this DOES Work and adds the data to a mysql data base. However I would like when they click register it sends them a email to confirm there info and at the same time send myself one so I can check there details. this is the link
Once this is done I would like to be able to see on a admin page that has a username and password to allow me to active and deactive there members. I know this would need a button added this is where I get lost. the link to the admin page ive made is Then once i actived them they will recive an auto activtion email .

I dont seem to be able to see data from the Database on mysql but i can interact with it.
As one you register if you try to log in it say that the username and passwodr is incorrect. I TAKE IT IS BECAUSE THE USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION> how do i do this? Any way if you go to forot password page it allows you to enter data and on submittion it chz the database and then sends you an email with your username and password attached. This is the link to the password recover page.
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