smo1234 07:27:19 | Dropdown list box is a common requirement , so it is available in all languages. You can learn about basic HTML drop down list box here. There are common requirements like , click event , reading the value and index , multiple selection etc of a list box. Multiple selection works when we press Ctrl Key and select more then one option. |
smo1234 07-27-2019 | In place of using a button to read and display the selected value. We can directly use the click event of the list box . In html we call it OnSelect event |
smo1234 07-27-2019 | Surprisingly I am unable to set my one value ( key ) for the listbox . Tkinter adds its own index starting from 0 and increases. |
smo1234 07-28-2019 | import tkinter as tk from tkinter import messagebox as msg my_w = tk.Tk() my_w.geometry("500x500") # Size of the window msg.showerror("Title Here ","Your Message here ") my_w.mainloop() |
smo1234 07-28-2019 | the 2nd line "from tkinter import messagebox as msg" is not working! |
smo1234 07-28-2019 | It works even without that! |
smo1234 07-28-2019 | import tkinter as tk #from tkinter import messagebox as msg my_w = tk.Tk() my_w.geometry("500x500") # Size of the window m1=msg.showerror("Title Here ","Your Message here ") my_w.mainloop() |
smo1234 07-28-2019 | import tkinter as tk my_w = tk.Tk() my_w.geometry("500x500") # Size of the window msg.showerror("Title Here ","Your Message here ") my_w.mainloop() |
smo1234 07-28-2019 | |
smo1234 08-02-2019 | To retain the highlight even after it lost focus we can use exportselection=0 . |
smo1234 08-02-2019 | Documentation |