problem in viewing of shift reports

Good day!

I have 2 kinds of shift and it is also the same they are only different in Forms. I copy the code for shift and i edit it, but i only edit the names of database,fields and tables, so I don't why the shift for 10-6 was not view or appear. Here is the code:


$clt_shift[] = '10-6';
$clt_shift[] = '6-2';
$clt_shift[] = '2-10';

$firstclt_shift_date = $_POST["clt_shift_date"];
$firstclt_shift_date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime('-1 day',strtotime($firstclt_shift_date)));

$query = "SELECT d.operation_name, SUM(d.input_qty) AS inputqty, d.input_unit, SUM(d.output_qty) AS outputqty, d.output_unit, d.shift FROM clt_traceability d, clt_transact t WHERE ((t.clt_date = '$firstclt_shift_date' AND d.shift = '10-6') || (t.clt_date = '" . $_POST["clt_shift_date"] . "' AND d.shift = '6-2') || (t.clt_date = '" . $_POST["clt_shift_date"] . "' AND d.shift = '2-10')) AND d.clt_transact_id = t.clt_transact_id GROUP BY d.operation_name, d.output_unit, d.input_unit, d.shift ORDER BY d.operation_name, FIELD(d.shift,'10-6','6-2','2-10')";
$result = mysql_query($query);

echo "<table cellspacing='3' style='font-family: arial narrow; font-size: 12px; border-width: 2px 2px 2px 2px; border-style: solid;'>";
echo "<tr><b> Date: &nbsp; " . $_POST['clt_shift_date'] . "</b></tr>";

echo "<tr>";
echo "<th class='tdclass'>Operation</th>";
$shift_ctr = count($clt_shift);
for($ctr = 0; $ctr < $shift_ctr; $ctr++)
echo "<th colspan='2' class='tdclass'>" . $clt_shift[$ctr] . "</th>";

echo "</tr>";

echo "<tr>";
echo "<td class='tdclass'></td>";
$shift_ctr = count($clt_shift);
for($ctr = 0; $ctr < $shift_ctr; $ctr++)
echo "<td class='tdclass'>Input</td><td class='tdclass'>Output</td>";

echo "</tr>";

$last_opname = "";
$tdctr = 0;
while($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$opname = $row2["operation_name"];
$i = strpos($opname," ",0);
$opname = substr($opname,$i);
if($last_opname != $opname && $last_opname != "")
if($tdctr < $shift_ctr)
for($tdctr=$tdctr; $tdctr < $shift_ctr; $tdctr++)
echo "<td class='tdclass'>&nbsp;</td>";
echo "<td class='tdclass'>&nbsp;</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td class='tdclass'>" . $opname . "</td>";
$tdctr = 0;
elseif($last_opname != $opname)
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td class='tdclass'>" . $opname . "</td>";

$last_opname = $opname;

for($ctr=0; $ctr < $shift_ctr; $ctr++)

if($row2["shift"] == $clt_shift[$ctr])
echo "<td class='tdclass'>" . number_format($row2["inputqty"],2) . "</td>";
echo "<td class='tdclass'>" . number_format($row2["outputqty"],2) . "</td>";
$ctr = $shift_ctr+1;
elseif($ctr == $tdctr)
echo "<td class='tdclass'>&nbsp;</td>";
echo "<td class='tdclass'>&nbsp;</td>";
echo "</table>";


Only the 6-2 and 2-10 data was appear.

Thank you
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