Installing and Managing MySQL database

To learn database management we must install our scripts and software before starting. We will follow these steps to install and run scripts.

Web Server

Try to install and run your web server, it can be your IIS, Apache or any other web server.
Learn more on webserver and its installation here. Do a test by placing some html files at server root and after installing PHP to run on your web server try to open one PHP file. This will ensure that your required script is available for running our tools and to manage MySQL database.

Download and install MySQL

To learn basics of database management we must first install a database. Go for MySQL community server at Download MySQL database and complete the installation process. Based on your operating system select MySQL version and type you are adding.

Using PhpMyAdmin

Download PhpMyAdmin and place all the files in your server root directory. If you are using localhost then in your browser address bar you can open your phpmyadmin script like this.
If it is prompted for userid and password then enter the details you have created while installing MySQL.
PhpMyAdmin is the best user interface to manage MySQL database. Crate a database of your favorite name and now you are ready to start. If all these steps are over then move to SQL section.

Using XAMPP or WAMP servers

Once we download XAMPP ( for all platforms ) or WAMP ( for windows ) ,we will get Database as a part of the installation and our web server, Script and Database gets integrated without any manual intervention.

Beginners guide to Installation of XAMPP with Apache PHP MariaDB for learning PHP

Working with PHP & Database Tables & records of a Database
What is SQL Managing MySQL SELECT Query
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