For count_start to count_end step 1
Script block
count_start is the variable stores the initial value of the count, count_end is the final value of the loop and the value of count_start increases by the value of step. Default value of Step is 1. Here is a simple code to display number 1 to 10 by For Next loop.
Dim i
For i=1 to 10
Response.Write i & "<br>"
The code above will print number 1 to 10. We can modify the code by adding a step value of 3 like this.
Dim i
For i=1 to 10 step 2
Response.Write i & "<br>"
The output of the above code is 1 3 5 7 9 with line breaks after end of every number.
robotran | 31-07-2014 |
very helpful |
28-08-2020 | |
<% fromDate="1-Aug-2020" toDate="28-Aug-2020" nood=DateDiff("y",fromDate,toDate) for i = 0 to nood ddt =(DateAdd("d",i,fromdate)) response.write day(ddt) &"-" & mid(monthname(month(ddt)),1,3)&"-"&Year(ddt) & "<bR>" next %> |