Formatted date and time variable to store in MSSQL

We can format a date and time value before storing them or inserting them to a date and time field in MSSQL table. Here is a formatted date and time value which can be stored in record.
dtm="8/17/2007 7:44:56 PM"
Here the variable dtm stores the formatted date and time value. Let us try with one invalid date and time value like this
dtm="8/17/2007 7:74:56 PM"
The date and time field will generate an error message saying like this
Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A000D)
Type mismatch: '[string: "8/17/2007 7:74:56 PM"]'
/a/dt/insert.asp, line 29
So it is always a good idea to check the date and time by using isDate function and then we can insert the date value to our MSSQL table.
Here is the code to add a date variable to our record.
Dim dtm
dtm="8/17/2007 7:54:56 PM"
Response.Write dtm

if isDate(dtm) Then "insert into dt(book_id,issue_dt) values( 9,'"& dtm & "')", conn
Response.Write "Please enter a valid date and time "
End if 
You can read the tutorial on how to collect date values from the user.
Adding default date Date Parts
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Harsh Sehgal


i want date in numeric format without /(slash or back slash) .for example 3 0 0 4 2 0 1 3 (i.e 30/04/2013)

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