mksharmil 03:14:13 | in mysql date is inserted in 'date1' column as 2013-03-14, in php I fetched the date as $mkc4=$val37['date1']; but the out put is as it is in mysql 2013-03-14,but I want it to be printed as 14-03-2-13. Please help. |
smo1234 03-14-2013 | You can get all details of date formatting from here |
mksharmil 03-15-2013 | Thanks @subhennndu, Its done! please tell me for formatting money,Percent and weight also. I mean decimal places as 0.00 and 0.000 What syntax should I use for them? |
smo1234 03-15-2013 | You can read on percentage in sum sql Math formats in query are available here |
mksharmil 03-16-2013 | Thanks a lot @smo1234!!! Done!! :) |