We can show a back button using html code in our pages which can take the browser window to the previous page. This page will have a button or a link and by clicking it browser will return to previous page. This can be done by using html or by using JavaScript in the client side.
Code for HTML back button can be placed any where inside the page ( or inside body tag ). This button will work in same as the back button at the tool bar of our browser. Here also we can set to go previous one or more than one step of pages. Here is our button and simple code for back button of our browser. Here is the code of this button .
Demo of returning to previous page by using back button →
You can read more on history object of JavaScript here
This code will display one button and you can change the value parameter to display any text on the button. Here is the button to take you back to previous page. Note that the onClick event can be set to history.go(-3); to move back three steps. We can use +2 also to move forward two steps.
Using JavaScript
We can use JavaScript to create a link to take us back to previous or history page. Here is the code to move back the browser using client side JavaScript.
<a href = "javascript:history.back()">Back to previous page</a>