quadraticCurveTo with control point on CanvasDrag the sliders to change the X, Y position of control point.
cpx: X coordinate of Control Pointcpy: Y coordinate of Control Point end_x: X coordinate of End point of Curve end_y: Y coordinate of End Point of Curve The start point of Bezier curve is last point of the current path or it can be set by using moveTo(). Bezier Curve with two control points
var my_canvas=$('#my_canvas').get(0) var gctx = my_canvas.getContext("2d"); var start_x=20; var start_y=20; var end_x=430; var end_y=20; var cpx=100; var cpy=80; my_function=function my_function(){ gctx.clearRect(0, 0, my_canvas.width,my_canvas.height); gctx.beginPath() gctx.moveTo(start_x,start_y); gctx.strokeStyle= '#0046f5'; gctx.setLineDash([]); gctx.quadraticCurveTo(cpx,cpy,end_x,end_y); gctx.stroke(); gctx.beginPath() gctx.fillStyle= '#ff00ff'; gctx.fillRect(cpx,cpy,5,5); gctx.setLineDash([5,5]); gctx.moveTo(start_x,start_y); gctx.strokeStyle= '#d2d2f5'; gctx.lineTo(cpx,cpy); gctx.lineTo(end_x,end_y); gctx.stroke(); gctx.setLineDash([]); $( "#textx" ).html("X position = " + cpx ); $( "#texty" ).html("Y position = " + cpy ); $( "#t1" ).html("gctx.quadraticCurveTo( "+cpx+","+cpy+","+end_x+","+end_y+");" ); } ////////////////// /////////////////////////// $( "#sliderx" ).slider({ orientation:'horizontal', min:0, max:my_canvas.width, step:1, animate:'slow', value:cpx, disabled:false, slide: function(event, ui) { cpx=ui.value; my_function() } }); /////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////// $( "#slidery" ).slider({ orientation:'horizontal', min:0, max:300, step:1, animate:'slow', value:cpy, disabled:false, slide: function(event, ui) { cpy=ui.value; my_function() } }); /////////////////////////////// my_function()
This article is written by plus2net.com team.
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