strokeText to add Text to CanvasDrag the sliders to change the X, Y position of lineTo().
text: text string to display. x: Position from left edge of the canvas,starting point of the text y: Position from Top edge of the canvas, stating point of the text. maxWidth: Optional, Font is adjusted to match the width. var my_canvas=$('#my_canvas').get(0) var gctx = my_canvas.getContext("2d"); gctx.font = '46px serif'; gctx.strokeText('', 100,100);With strokeStyle var my_canvas=$('#my_canvas').get(0) var gctx = my_canvas.getContext("2d"); gctx.font = '46px serif'; gctx.strokeStyle= '#f54669'; gctx.strokeText('', 100,100);
This article is written by team.