We store data in computer memory. While storing we also keep one reference to this memory to retrieve the data we store. During our script execution we may change the data or we may assign once and do not change the data throughout our program.
Variables are names given to memory locations whose data can be changed.
Constants are names given to memory locations whose data are not changed.
Types of constants
Primary constants, Secondary constants
Primary Constants are Integer Constant, Real Constant , Character Constant
Secondary Constants are Array, Pointer , Structure , Union, Enum Etc.
Declaring constants in C
Rules for declaring Integer Constants
Must have one digit
Must NOT have a decimal point
Can be both positive or negative
By default it is positive ( if no sign is given then it is considered as positive )
No blank space or commas are allowed
Range for integer constant is -32768 to 32768 ( depends on type of compiler )
Example of integer :
Rules for declaring Real ( or floating ) constants
Floating point ( or real ) constants can be written in Fractional form and exponential form
Rules are here
Must have at least one digit
Must have a decimal point
Can be both positive or negative
By default it is positive
No blank space or commas are allowed
Example :
Exponential form has two parts Mantissa and exponent. Both parts are separated by āeā. Part before the āeā is called Mantissa and part after e is called exponent.
Mantissa and exponent part are separated by e
Before Mantissa part we may have positive or negative sign
By default Mantissas is positive
The Exponent part must have one digit ( either positive or negative )
Rage is from -3.4e38 to 3.4e38
Example :
Character Constants
A single alphabet or digit or symbol ( must enclosed within quotes )
Example :
The value or data of a variable can change during program execution.
Types of variable
Integer , Floating , character variable
Each type can handle same time data, like integer variable can handle integer type of data.
Rule for construction of Variables
Name of the variable can have combination of alphabets , digits and underscore. Maximum length is 31 character ( some compiler allow more )
The first char must be alphabet or underscore ( no Digits ) .
Blank space or comma are not allowed
Only underscore is allowed no special chars are allowed.