We store our data in a variable but pointers store address of variable which stores our data.
At the time of initialization value of pointer is null and its value is 0.
We can subtract two pointers to find out how many elements are available but we can’t add , multiply or divide pointers
Declaration of Pointers
A double pointer can hold address of a double variable only, it can’t hold address of an integer. We can declare different data type pointers.
We can't use integer pointer to store float value. This will generate warning saying [Warning] assignment from incompatible pointer type as we declared potf as float pointer.
int f1=3;
potf=&f1; // Storing the address of f1
unary operators
& => Address Of operator
* => Value Of operator
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void){
int i=105;
int *pot; // Pointer of an integer //
pot=&i; // assign address of i to pot //
printf(" pot=%d \n *pot= %d, \n i=%d", pot, *pot, i);
return 0;
*pot= 105,
Assign data by using pointers
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void){
int *pot,i=5;
pot=&i; // Assign address of i to pointr variable pot
*pot=100;// Assigning value of i by using pointer
printf("i value is : %d ",i);
i value is : 100
Understanding difference between pointer and normal variable
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void){
int i=3;
int *pot; // Pointer of an integer //
pot=&i; // assign address of i to pot //
printf(" pot=%d \n *pot= %d, \n i=%d", pot, *pot,i);
return 0;
Output is here
*pot= 3,
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void){
int u=3;
int v;
int *pu; // Pointer of an integer //
int *pv; // POinter of an integer //
pu=&u; // assign address of u to pv //
v=*pu; // assign value of u to v //
pv= &v; // assign address of v to pv //
printf("\n u=%d &u=%X pu=%X *pu=%d", u,&u,pu,*pu);
printf("\n\n v=%d &v=%X pv=%X *pv=%d",v,&v,pv,*pv);
return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void){
int num1=5,num2=10,temp=0;
int *pot1, *pot2;
*pot2=temp; // This is same as num2=temp;
printf("num1=%d , num2=%d",num1,num2);
Output is here
num1=10 , num2=5
Instead of variable pass pointer as parameter to a function.
Use one function to return final salary after an increase of 15%
#include <stdio.h>
int salary(int *basic){
int final_sal=0;
return final_sal;
int main(void){
int *pot, sal,final_sal;
printf("Final Salary =%d ",final_sal);
Output is here
Final Salary =1500
Pointer to an array
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void){
int i,num1[5]={3,4,5,6,7};
int *pot; // Pointer of an integer //
pot=&num1; // assign address of num to pot //
printf("value : %d : ", num1[i]);
printf("address : %d : ", pot);
Output is here
value : 3 : address : 6356724 :
value : 4 : address : 6356728 :
value : 5 : address : 6356732 :
value : 6 : address : 6356736 :
value : 7 : address : 6356740 :
Passing Pointer of an array as parameter to function
#include <stdio.h>
int array_sum(int *pot){
int k,sum=0;
sum = sum+ *pot;
return sum;
int main(void){
int j[5]={1,2,3,4,5};
int sum;
int *pot;
printf("Sum = %d \n",sum);
return 0;
Output is here
Sum = 15
Char pointer
String is a collection of chars with a null value at the end. Or it is an array of chars.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void){
char *potch; // Char pointer
char str[10]="plus2net"; // char array to store string data
potch=&str; // Address of first element of the string.
while(*potch != '\0'){
return 0;
Optput is here (To understand the memory address for string , try the practice questions below.)
Display the address of an integer variable and one float variable.
Declare a long variable and store its address in a pointer
Declare a string variable and store its address in a pointer
Find sum of two numbers using pointers
Take two user input numbers and swap them using pointer and display.
Pass two numbers to a function using pointer and display highest value.
Create one array and pass the array to a function by using pointer and then display all elements.
In above question increase the value of elements by 2 inside the function and then display.
Display highest and lowest numbers in an array using pointer.
Sort an array using pointers
Write a program to print a string in revers using pointer
Print the middle char of a string, if there are even numbers of chars then print the next char from the middle.
Create a function to receive an pointer of an array and a number to search. This function will return 1 if the number is found inside the array otherwise return 0.