C has several built-in library functions , one of them we frequently use are scanf()& printf(). These function are kept inside <stdio.h> and called at the starting of the page. In addition to these library function which C provides us, we will learn about User defined Functions ( UDF ) here .
Using functions we can avoid repeated codes blocks doing the same job. This also modularize the script helping in easy maintenance . Functions does some specific works and return to calling script once the task is over.
While declaring function we have to declare data type based on the data the function is going to return.
Function name: We can’t use coma or space or special characters for using function name
We can pass variables to the function and get return value to main or calling function.
Basic salary increased by 15% , User defined function ( UDF ) should return the new salary after receiving the basic salary.
#include <stdio.h>
int salary(int *basic){
int final_sal=0;
return final_sal;
int main(void){
int *pot, sal,final_sal;
pot=&sal; // address is stored in pointer
final_sal=salary(pot); // Passed the pointer as parameter to the function
printf("Final Salary =%d ",final_sal);
Output is here
Final Salary =1500
Passing array as input parameter to a function
We will find out sum of the elements of an input array inside a function and return the sum to main function.
#include <stdio.h>
int array_sum(int ar[]){
int k,sum=0;
sum = sum+ ar[k];
return sum;
int main(void){
int j[5]={1,2,3,4,5};
int sum;
printf("Sum = %d \n",sum);
return 0;
Output is here
Sum =15
Passing pointer of an array as parameter to a function
We will pass the pointer storing the address of first element of the array. Inside the function we will increase the pointer to read all other elements of the array. As an additional parameter we can pass size of the array to the function.
#include <stdio.h>
int array_sum(int *pot){
int k,sum=0;
sum = sum+ *pot;
return sum;
int main(void){
int j[5]={1,2,3,4,5};
int sum;
int *pot;
printf("Sum = %d \n",sum);
return 0;
Key points to remember
We must call the function to execute it.
It is not necessary to always pass any parameter to a function.
It is not necessary that function must return any data.
No need to write the function above the main() function.
Function can call another function
Ask user to enter two input numbers and one string. Based on the string value your function should return Sum , Subtraction, Multiplication or Division of two input numbers.
Take two input strings and write one function to join them by using a separator
Take two input number and display them by swapping them
Create a function to check if the number is even or odd number.
Take one input number and display square of it
Use a function to check if the input number is divisible by 5 or not
Declare a function to print the value of int x inside it ?
Declare a function, inside the function declare value of x=5, then print the value of x ?
In above question declare the value of x as 10 ( x =10 ) outside the function , print the value of x inside the function ?
Why the value of x inside the function is different than value of x outside the function?
Increase the value of x inside the function by 1 and then print the value ?
How the value of x inside the function increases if you call the function two times?
How to retain the value of x inside the function?
Create a function to sum of all input numbers as they entered. This should display the sum including the just entered number. Exit the process if 0 is entered. Print command should be in main function . Hint : Use one static variable inside the function
In place of static variable use one local variable inside the function in above code and check the output.
Solution of last question
#include <stdio.h>
int find_sum(int num1)
static int sum;
return sum;
int main()
int num=1;
while(num !=0){
printf("\n Enter Number : ");
printf("\n Sum : %d", find_sum(num));
return 0;