int i=45;
printf(" Output : %d \n", i );
printf(" Output : %d \n", i );
Output : 46
Output : 19
Increase by more than 1
int i=45,j=0;
printf(" Output : %d \n", i ); // 50
When we use assignment operator with increment and decrement operator then assignment is executed first and then increment ( or decrement ) is executed.
int i=45,j=0;
// first value is assigned to j, then increment is done to i
printf(" Output : %d \n", j ); // 45
In above code output is 45 ( NOT 46 ), but if you change to display value of i ( in place of j inside printf() ) , we will get 46.
Logical operators
And operator. Output true only if all operands are true
Or operator. Output true if any one of the operand is true
Not operator. True if out put of condition is false
Examples ( Output is after comment )
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int x=40 ,y=50;
int result;
result= (x==40) && (y ==30);
printf(" Output : %d \n", result ); // 0
result= (x==40) || (y ==30);
printf(" Output : %d \n", result ); // 1
result= !(x==40) || (y ==30);
printf(" Output : %d \n", result ); // 0
Relational operators
Here output is always True or False. It can be 1 or 0
Equal To
Less than
Greater than
Less than or equal to
Greater than or equal to
Not equal to
Example of Relational Operators ( output are shown with comments )
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int x=30 ,y=20;
printf(" Output : %d \n", x == y); // 0
printf(" Output : %d \n", x < y); // 0
printf(" Output : %d \n", x > y); // 1
printf(" Output : %d \n", x <= y); // 0
printf(" Output : %d \n", x >= y); // 1
printf(" Output : %d \n", x != y); // 1
Practice Questions on logical and relational operators
Write the expected output of these lines of code
int x=50,y=40;
printf(" Output : %d \n", x == y);
printf(" Output : %d \n", x < y);
printf(" Output : %d \n", x > y);
printf(" Output : %d \n", x <= y);
printf(" Output : %d \n", x >= y);
printf(" Output : %d \n", x != y);
Understanding && and || operators ( AND OR ), write the expected outputs
int x=45,y=25;
int result;
result= x==45;
printf(" Output : %d \n", result );
result= x!=45;
printf(" Output : %d \n", result );