arcTo(): Drawing Curves using control points on Canvas
x1: First control point x coordinatey1: First control point y coordinate x2: Second control point x coordinate y2: Second control point y coordinate r : Radius of Arc or Circle ( Positive only ) var my_canvas=$('#my_canvas').get(0) var gctx = my_canvas.getContext("2d"); gctx.beginPath(); gctx.strokeStyle = 'gray'; gctx.lineWidth = 4; gctx.moveTo(120, 20); gctx.lineTo(230,20); gctx.lineTo(230,180); gctx.stroke(); ///First graph, draw the arc /// gctx.beginPath(); gctx.moveTo(120, 20); gctx.strokeStyle = 'red'; gctx.lineWidth = 1; gctx.arcTo(230,20,230,180,80); gctx.stroke();
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