DEMO of marching ants effect or moving borderDrag the sliders to change offset , line length and line gap values.
var my_canvas=$('#my_canvas').get(0) var gctx = my_canvas.getContext("2d"); var direction='forward'; var o_speed=50; var x=100; var y=100; var offset=3; var line=5; var gap=5; my_function=function my_function(){ gctx.clearRect(0, 0, my_canvas.width,my_canvas.height); gctx.beginPath(); gctx.setLineDash([line,gap]); gctx.lineDashOffset = offset; gctx.strokeRect(20, 20, 330, 150); gctx.stroke(); $( "#speed_text" ).html("speed = " + o_speed ); $( "#line_text" ).html("line length = " + line ); $( "#gap_text" ).html("line gap = " + gap ); } ////////////////// my_march=function my_march(){ if(direction=='forward'){ offset--; if (offset <1) { offset = 10; } }else{ offset++; if (offset >10) { offset = 0; } } my_function(); setTimeout(my_march, o_speed); } /////////////////////////// $( "#slider_speed" ).slider({ orientation:'horizontal', min:0, max:100, step:1, animate:'slow', value:o_speed, disabled:false, slide: function(event, ui) { o_speed=ui.value; my_function() } }); /////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////// $( "#slider_line" ).slider({ orientation:'horizontal', min:0, max:400, step:1, animate:'slow', value:line, disabled:false, slide: function(event, ui) { line=ui.value; my_function() } }); /////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////// $( "#slider_gap" ).slider({ orientation:'horizontal', min:0, max:400, step:1, animate:'slow', value:gap, disabled:false, slide: function(event, ui) { gap=ui.value; my_function() } }); /////////////////////////////// $("input:radio[name=direction]").click(function() { direction=$(this).val(); }) /////////// my_function() my_march();
This article is written by team.
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