Marquee Repeat

Specifies how many times the text effect in the marquee is repeated. Possible values are Continuously or number of times that the text should get repeated.


Please check this in Internet Explorer ( IE )
This is an example of Marquee (Loop : 1)

Code: Loop = 1

<marquee style="font-family:Book Antiqua; color: #FFFFFF" bgcolor="#000080" scrollamount="5" loop="1">This is an example of Marquee (Loop : 1)</marquee>


This is an example of Marquee (Loop : Infinite)

Code: Loop = infinite

<marquee style="font-family:Book Antiqua; color: #FFFFFF" bgcolor="#000080" scrollamount="5" loop="infinite">This is an example of Marquee (Loop : Infinite)</marquee>
This is an example of Marquee (Loop : 3)

Code : Loop = 3

<marquee style="font-family:Book Antiqua; color: #FFFFFF" bgcolor="#000080" 
scrollamount="5" loop="3">This is an example of Marquee (Loop : 3)</marquee>
HTML marquee Tag Start and Stop scrolling by Mouse over and mouse out


HTML marquee tag to scroll or alternate text or image on web page with various speed and direction

HTML marquee Tag Marquee Scroll Direction Marquee Scroll speed


* indicates required
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    But why is their not any action taking place in both loop1 and loop3


    loop1 and loop3 stops after completing their loops. You need to refresh the page to move them again.


    I used the marquee for a movie closing credits session on an "a href" button and combined it with a warning message box function

    But this marquee always runs before we open the link, how to make this marquee run only when we click the link, I think this using some sort of JS / jQuery


    You can keep a div or span tag in hidden by default. Make it visible ( inline ) only when the button is clicked. You can directly write the code with click event of the button.


    Sire, i know infinite loop , actually it's by default infinite while we using <marquee> tag....But I need endless loop.....Like the text never been end.....It's circular....Like it's end connected to head... Thanks

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