Display of date and time in local format in ASP using FormatDateTime

We can display Formatted date and time by using FormatDateTime function of VBScript within ASP. This function can take only date , only time or both date and time and display in specified format. Here is the format the function FormatDateTime uses.
Here my_date is the date variable and Format takes the value of 0 to 4 and format the display based on this. The table at the end of this page displays all possible formats with different value of Format.

Here is the code to use FromatDateTime function.
Dim my_date,var_Locale
var_Locale = SetLocale(1033)
Response.Write FormatDateTime(my_date,0)
Here the Format value is specified as 0 so the output of this is here .
7/19/2006 8:38:39 PM
For different values of Format ( 0 to 4 ) Here is a table of displays. Note that SetLocale is set to USA format. For other list of LCID value of local formats please see the article on today date and time.
0vbGeneralDate7/19/2006 8:38:39 PM Date and Time
1vbLongDateWednesday, July 19, 2006Date in Long format
2vbShortDate7/19/2006Date in m/d/yyyy
3vbLongTime9:53:22 PMLong Time
4vbShortTime15:53Short Date

There is a list of LCID values for SetLocale for different countries listed at Microsoft site.
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