Sum of the input numbers

Ask user to enter numbers and script will print sum of all user entered numbers. User can exit entering numbers by entering 0.

We can ask user to enter numbers by using a WHILE loop. Each time the loop will check the user entered number if it is equal to 0. While loop will exit if the user entered number is 0.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void){
int sum,x;

while(x != 0){
printf("\n Enter a number :  ");
printf("Sum of the entered  numbers : %d ", sum);
return 0;
Here is one sample output. You can enter different numbers and check the output.
 Enter a number :  4

 Enter a number :  5

 Enter a number :  7

 Enter a number :  0
Sum of the entered  numbers : 16

Allowing 0

Sometime we have to allow entry of 0. To exit the while loop we will use negative number. Any number less than 0 is entered then we will come out of the loop but same number should not be added to value of sum.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void){
int sum,x;
while(x >= 0){
printf("\n Enter a number :  ");
if(x>=0) sum=sum+x;// negative number is not added. 
printf("Sum of the entered  numbers : %d ", sum);
return 0;

With highest Number entered

Out of all the entered numbers , the highest number can be displayed at the end.
int main(void){
int sum,x;
int max_no=0;
while(x >= 0){
printf("\n Enter a number :  ");
sum=sum+x;// negative number is not added. 
if(x > max_no){

printf("Sum of the entered  numbers : %d ",sum);
printf("\n Highest number : %d ",max_no);
return 0;


* indicates required
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    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <conio.h>
    int main()
    int grade=74;

    if (grade>74) {
    else if (grade<75 && grade>69) {
    printf(“Conditional Pass”);
    else (grade<70) {
    return 0;

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