Needed: PHP Coder(0) thesun
Showing one record on one page - linked from a central page.(4) paaljoachim
add code for font size under php echo(2) newphpcoder
how to create report generation using php codes(0) newphpcoder
need help with date compare(4) ckdoublenecks
insert dinamic data into mysql table(3) tealcsg
count - array for specified values(4) tealcsg
File Upload Problem in PHP(13) rothana
Change database from mysql4 to mysql5 affects on my calendar event page(1) newphpcoder
Php with MySql(1) wilphpson
Cannot select DB using mssql(2) newphpcoder
mssql not loaded(7) newphpcoder
mssql connect to php:Call to undefined function mssql_connect()(1) newphpcoder
ldap connection(0) newphpcoder
Restriction in Adding Events in Calendar(0) newphpcoder
Two problems with Installation(1) frustr8tedNewB
How to create bar graphs using complex queries from database dynamically(1) smartivn
retreive student list and add input box(2) geo007
dynamic use of switch?(2) angehodgson
passing values with a drop down menu(1) bhavna1
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