<ins> tag to show range of inserted text

This is normal text . This range of text is added. This part is normal
The code is here
This is normal text . <ins>This range of text is added</ins>. This part is normal

Internal Style with INS tag

ins { 
 font-size: 20px;
DEMO of INS with Style

Attributes of ins tag

CITE : A URI explaining the reasons for adding the range of text
DATETIME : Date and time of insertion of the range of text.

Example of Attributes

This is normal part and This text has been inserted , this part is normal again.
This is normal part and <ins datetime="2017-11-16T21:52:03Z" cite="plus2net.com/html_tutorial/site_map.php">This text has been inserted</ins> , this part is normal again 

DEL tag and Ins tag

Change in venue of our meeting, instead of party hall , now it is shifted to Game club at top floor.
Change in venue of our meeting, <del>instead of party hall</del> , now it is shifted to <ins>Game club at top floor</ins>. 

read more on <DEL> tag

TagDisplayDescriptionHTML5 Support
<ins> underline font Part of the text which is inserted Yes
<STRIKE> Strike-through font Part of the text which is not accurate or not relevant No
<S> Strike-through font Part of the text which is not accurate or not relevant Yes
DEL tag to show a range of deleted text S tag to show a range of text no longer relevant
Read more on how to strikeout line of text by using JavaScript strike string object
Font Colour Font Size


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