Functions | Description |
Date Object | Displaying date and time in an alert window |
getTime() | milliseconds that is passed from January 1, 1970 |
getMonth | month part of the date object, showing month number from 0 to 11 |
getYear | Getting the year in YYYY format from the data object |
getDate | Date of the month starting from 1 to 31 and formatting |
getDay | Returns 0 for Sunday and 1 for Monday .. 6 for Saturday |
getMinutes | Minute part of the date object, starting from 0 to 59 |
getHours | Hour part of the date object, starting from 0 to 23 |
getSeconds | Seconds part of the date object, starting from 0 to 59 |
setDate | Changing the date object by changing the date of the month |
setMonth | Setting the month part of the date object by using numbers 0 to 11 |
setfullyear | Setting to full year the date object |
setHours | Changing the hour part of date object, from 0 to 23 or to any other value |
setMinutes | Changing the Minute part of date object, from 0 to 59 or to any other value |
toString | Before using any string functions we have to change date output to string |
toLocaleString | Date output to local string conversion |
toDateString | Changing to date to String |
toLocalDateString | Changing to date to Local date String |
toTimeString | Getting the time string part from the date object |
UTC | JavaScript UTC time functions |
setTimeout | Timer to execute functions at an interval |
clearTimeout() | Resetting the timer before interval |
Recursive timer | Executing function again and again by timer |
countdown timer | Balance time left or countdown to an event |
Clock | Realtime clock displaying hour minutes and sec. |
Timezone Clock | Realtime clock of different time zones of the world. |
Array Timezone | JavaScript Array of names of different time zones of the world. |
Time Left for New Year | Countdown shwoing days : Hour : minutes : Seconds left for New year. |