Array functions in JavaScript
We can store multiple elements using one single array variables in JavaScript.
Functions | Description |
Creating array | Creating an array and adding elements |
concat | Joining two or more arrays |
Listing elements | Displaying all elements of an array by for loop |
indexOf() | Returning the position of search string inside array |
join() | Returning a string using all the elements of an array by adding delimiter |
length | Total number of elements present inside an array |
pop() | Removing last element from the array |
Emptying | Removing all element of the array |
push() | Adding element to an array by push |
reverse() | Reversing the order of the element of an array |
sort() | Arranging elements of the array in alphabetical order |
shift() | Removing first element of the array |
slice() | Removing part of the elements of an array |
splice() | Adding or Removing elements from any location of an array |
split() | Creating array by breaking string using delimiter |
tostring() | Creating string by joining all elements of an array |
unshift() | Adding elements to an array |
valueof() | Getting the elements of array & displaying |
two dimension | Creating and displaying elements of a two dimensional array |
Applications | Description |
Add Elements | Adding user entered elements to Array |
Delete Elements | Adding & Deleting user entered elements to Array |
How to display elements of an Array →
Creating and adding elements to Array
Displaying elements of an Array
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