Out of these three onKeyPress and onKeyDown will trigger first and onKeyUp will trigger last. In our demo you will see onKeyPress and onKeyDown will not able to copy the last character but onKeyUp will able to copy the most recent key. onKeyup event triggers last and before that the function copy the data.
In the above demo you can see one char less will be copied. By using onKeyUp we can solve this problem. Here is the complete code using onKeypress
<title>Demo of on onkeypress events in Javascript</title>
<script language=JavaScript>
function copy()
<form name=my_form method=post>
What ever you type here
<input type=text id=t1 name=text onKeyPress=copy();>
(Type minimum two chars)<br><br> will be copied to below textarea. <br>
<textarea id=t2 name=my_text rows=4 cols=30></textarea></form>