Exercise Form Date

Read more on form validation here.
  1. Create a form with one text box and submit button. You can only submit the form if minimum 2 chars are entered in text box
  2. Add one pair of radio buttons ( Male ,female ) , the form can't be submitted without selection of radio button.
  3. Add one dropdown list box with option to select one class. One class must be selected before submitting the form.
  4. One checkbox must be checked before submitting the form
  5. One textarea must be filled with minimum 50 chars
  6. On selection of a radio button, value of the radio button should display inside a textbox
  7. On check or un-check of a checkbox, value of the checkbox should display inside a textbox
  8. On Focus of a textbox , one message asking user to enter name should display by the side
  9. The above display should hide when focus is shifted out of the textbox
  10. Write a Paragraph of text. On Click of a button ( RED) font colour of the paragraph should change to red. Similarly add Yellow, green buttons
  11. Write a Paragraph of text. On Click of a button ( RED) background colour of the paragraph should change to red. Similarly add Yellow, green buttons
Read more on Listbox
  1. Enable or disable a listbox based on Selection of radio button
  2. OnChange of option of a listbox display the selection
  3. Keep one textbox, then add option to listbox by using the textbox
  4. Read the student table from MySQL database and then populate the listbox with student name ( use PHP or Python )
  5. Read the class from MySQL database student table and then display the name of the students on selection of class from the listbox
Read more on Date & time
  1. Display Todays Date and time inside one Div tag
  2. Display Todays Date and time inside one Div tag on Click of button
  3. Display Year part in 4 digits and 2 digits
  4. Display Month
  5. Create a dropdown with Month names and current month should remain selected
  6. Add 5 days to today and display
  7. Add 2 months to today
  8. Add 2 years 3 months and 5 days
  9. One selection of No of years from dropdown it should display today's date and maturity date of a fixed diposite. Use onChange="function_name()"; for the dropdown to trigger the function on selection of listbox.
  10. Ask the user to enter date month year in a perticular format, on submit display day of the week.
  11. Display current month Calendar
Read More on Array
  1. Create an array by breaking an string
  2. Check if one input element is already present or not
  3. Ask the user to inter numbers and create an array using them. Display the array members in increasing order
  4. Remove the highest element of the array
  5. Create an array of Months ( full name ). Using this prepare one dropdown list box with Month names as options
  6. Create an array by taking input from User using the textbox. Generate the HTML code for the user to copy and use.
  7. Create an array by breaking an string

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