<table><tr><td><a href=# OnClick=update_alarm('h','up')><img src=images/up.jpg border='0'></a></td><td><a href=# OnClick=update_alarm('m','up')><img src=images/up.jpg border='0'></a></td><td><a href=# OnClick=update_alarm('s','up')><img src=images/up.jpg border='0'></a></td></tr>
<tr><td><input type=text size=2 id='h1' name='h1' value=00 onBlur=update_alarm('h','none')></td><td><input type=text size=2 id='m1' name='m1' value=00 onBlur=update_alarm('m','none')></td><td><input type=text size=2 id='s1' name='s1' value=00 onBlur=update_alarm('s','none')></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href=# OnClick=update_alarm('h','down')><img src=images/down.jpg border='0'></a></td><td><a href=# OnClick=update_alarm('m','down')><img src=images/down.jpg border='0'></a></td><td><a href=# OnClick=update_alarm('s','down')><img src=images/down.jpg border='0'></a></td></tr>
User can directly enter the value in respective fields without using the buttons.
Read how to display changing clock
<a href=# OnClick=update_alarm('m','up')><img src=images/up.jpg border='0'></a>
Inside the function update_alarm() we will use one switch function to execute different code blocks for each field. First we will read the data from the respective field after converting to integer by using parseInt() function.
var h =parseInt(document.getElementById('h1').value);
Based on the type of button pressed ( up or down ) we will add or subtract 1 from the value we read. We will keep one upper limit and lower limit for the value.
if(direction =='up' && h < 24){
if(direction =='down' && h > 0){
If the user directly enteres the value in hour field then we have to check and restrict the data between 0 & 23
if(h >24){h=24;}
if(h <0){h=0;}
While displaying we will have to add 0 before single digit values. For example we have to display 5 hours as 05 and not like 5. So we will convert the data to string and then based on the length we will add one 0 before it.
if(h.length < 2){
var h='0'+h;
Finally we will store the formatted output in the field.
document.getElementById('h1').value = h;
Same way we will store Minutes and seconds value in the field.
function set_alarm(){
var dt_alarm= new Date();
Then we will collect the getTime() value of this date object ( our alarm set values) and store it in a global variable we declared earlier.
Now our Alarm clock time is set so background color of our Alarm display is set to green.
function display_ct() {
var dt = new Date();
document.getElementById('ct4').innerHTML = dt;
if((dt.getTime() >= global_dt_alarm_sec) && (global_dt_alarm_sec > 1000)){
alert('Time over');