Difference in days between two dates of a calendar
We will develop a script to find the difference in two dates. We will return the difference in number of days. The input dates we will take from a calendar which we have already developed in date picker tutorials.
Now in our array the first element is month, 2nd element is date, 3rd element is year. So using this we can crate our date object.
dt_t1=new Date(t1[2],t1[0],t1[1]); // YYYY,mm,dd format to create date object
Now using the same date object we will the millisecond value ( timestamp ) by using getTime() method.
dt_t1_tm=dt_t1.getTime(); // time in milliseconds for day 1
Same process is to be repeated for second date input box ( 2nd date value )
var t2=document.getElementById('t2').value
dt_t2=new Date(t2[2],t2[0],t2[1]);
dt_t2_tm=dt_t2.getTime(); time in milliseconds for day 2
How many milliseconds are there in one day? The answer is here
var one_day = 24*60*60*1000; // hours*minutes*seconds*milliseconds
We can directly using the value also ( as : 86400000 )
Now we will divide the difference in milliseconds of both dates by the variable one_day.
var diff_days=Math.abs((dt_t1_tm-dt_t2_tm)/one_day) // difference in days
We will take the Math floor value of the division as we would like to display 4.75 as 4 days. ( or you can use Math round )
diff_days=Math.floor(diff_days); // round off the difference in days to lower value
Finally we will display the result in a div layer.
document.getElementById('display').innerHTML=' Difference in Days = ' + diff_days ;
document.getElementById('display').style.display = 'inline';
function show_difference(){
var t1=document.getElementById('t1').value
var dt_t1=new Date(t1[2],t1[0],t1[1]); // YYYY,mm,dd format to create date object
var dt_t1_tm=dt_t1.getTime(); // time in milliseconds for day 1
var t2=document.getElementById('t2').value
var dt_t2=new Date(t2[2],t2[0],t2[1]);
var dt_t2_tm=dt_t2.getTime(); // time in milliseconds for day 2
var one_day = 24*60*60*1000; // hours*minutes*seconds*milliseconds
var diff_days=Math.abs((dt_t1_tm-dt_t2_tm)/one_day); // difference in days
diff_days=Math.floor(diff_days); // round off the difference in days to lower value
/// Now display the result ///
document.getElementById('display').innerHTML=' Difference in Days = ' + diff_days ;
document.getElementById('display').style.display = 'inline';
Here you can download the source code for this tutorial.