Functions | Description |
ABS | Absolute value of a number |
ACOS | Arc cos of the input |
ASIN | Arc sin of the input |
ATAN | Arc tan of the input |
ATAN2 | Arc tan of two inputs |
AVG | We can get the average value of a range of data by using avg function. |
CEIL | Math ceil function to get lowest integer value. |
CONV() | Convert one base to another |
COS() | COS() function takes input in Radian |
COT() | COT() function takes input in Radian |
COUNT | Counting the number of records in a table with conditions |
CRC32() | CRC32() returns 32 bit unsigned value of a string |
DEGREES | Convert Radian value to Degree |
EXP | e raised to the power of X |
FLOOR | Math floor function to get highest integer value. |
LN | Log of the number (Same as LOG()) |
LOG | Log of the number with different Base value |
LOG10 | Log of the number with fixed Base 10 value |
LOG2 | Log of the number with fixed Base 2 value |
MAX | Maximum value from a field of MySQL table by using max command |
MIN | Minimum value among records by using MIN Query |
Mod | Getting the reminder of a division and using in our Query |
PI | PI() value with different functions |
POW | Power of a number & creating a square table |
RADIANS | Converting Degree to Radians in our Query |
ROUND | Rounded to decimals |
SIGN | Sign of the argument |
SIN | Sin of a radian input |
SUM | Our query can return sum of numeric data present in a record |
TAN | Tan of a radian input |
Second highest | WE can display first and second highest number present in table by using limit and order by commands |
Data format | Getting the formatted output from MySQL table by using format query. |
sqrt | Square root of number |
TRUNCATE | Converting to fixed decimal value |
STDDEV() | Standard Deviation |
VARIANCE() | Variance |