String functions

MySQL string functions we can use to manipulate data and derive useful information and analysis from the tables. These functions can be used along with update commands to change records or can be used to update multiple tables.

If you have a table of your newsletter subscribers and you want to know how many are using gmail then you have to work on the email address and extract the domain part from it. You may also like it see the all the email providers in a single list with number of subscribers. Such applications are possible by using mysql string functions.

We will discuss some of the string functions and develop some applications using them.
Functions Description
concatAppending string data
CONVERTConverting one data type to other
character_lengthnumber of characters present in data
char_lengthnumber of characters present in a string
ELTReturn the string based on position
FIELDReturn the position of the searched string
FIND_IN_SETsearching string within a set of strings
locatesearching the string & getting location of presence
Lower Upper caseChanging lower case to upper case and vies versa
LengthLength of the string in bytes
LeftGetting part of the string from left
LPADPad string from Left
LTRIMRemove blank space from Left
RTRIMRemove blank space from Right
replaceUpdating part of the data
ReverseReversing a string by Query
RepeatRepeating string n number of times
RIGHTPart of a string towards right
SPACEAdding Space
strcmpString Comparison
substringGetting Part of the string
substring_indexPart of the string using delimiter
TRIMRemoving matching string from both ends of a string
Projects Description
Domain , Userid Updating table with Domain and Userid part of Email address
String Count Counting presence of search string in a main string

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