PHP MySQL Functions to get the Field type from a result set

mysql_field_type function will return the type of field associated with the field. Different field types are varchar, char, int, blob, text, datetime etc… This command takes one result set as input along with a field identifier or an offset. It returns a string holding field type details.

Here is the command.
string mysql_field_type(int result, int field_offset)
We will try to develop one script using our student table to display the field types of all the fields.
$result = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM student");
$no_of_fields = mysql_num_fields ($result);
$no_of_records = mysql_num_rows ($result);
$i = 0;
$table_name = mysql_field_table ($result, $i);
echo "Your '".$table_name."' table has ".$no_of_fields";
echo " fields and ".$no_of_records." records <BR>";
echo "The table has the following fields <BR>";
while ($i < $no_of_fields) {
// name of the field mysql_field_name
$name = mysql_field_name ($result, $i);
echo "Field name:<b>$name</b><br>";

// Field type  field mysql_field_type
$type = mysql_field_type ($result, $i);
echo "Field type:$type<br>";

The above code will display the field type with the fields of the student table.

The result of the above script is here

Your student table has 4 fields and 52 records
The table has the following fields
Field name:id
Field type:int

Field name:name
Field type:string

Field name:class
Field type:string

Field name:mark
Field type:int

Using getColumnMeta(0) with PDO

We can get details of the flags with other information.

Here is the code.
$select = $dbo->query('SELECT count(*) FROM student');
$meta = $select->getColumnMeta(0);

while (list ($key, $val) = each ($meta)) { 
echo "$key -> $val <br>"; 


We can show the details of the column by using table given at INFORMATION_SCHEMA. There is a table COLUMNS which stores all the information.

Here is the code.
  WHERE table_name = 'student' AND table_schema = 'sql_tutorial'");



echo "$result[$j] > ";

echo "<br>";

PHP MySQL functions MySQL Error Number

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