The value for this object can be assigned like this
opener.document.f1.p_name.value="Any value";
We will try to make it interactive so we will assign this to a value entered by the user. Then we will use one input box in child window and name it as c_name. So we can pass the value of the input box of child window to the parent window input box by this line.
opener.document.f1.p_name.value = document.frm.c_name.value;
opener.document.f1.p_name.value = document.frm.c_name.value;
<form method=post action='' name=f1>
<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=550>
<td ><font size=2 face='Verdana'>Your Name</font><input type=text name='p_name' size='8'>
<a href="javascript:void(0);" NAME="My Window Name" title=" My title here ""child3.html","Ratting",
"width=550,height=170,left=150,top=200,toolbar=1,status=1,");>Click here to open the child window</a>
Inside the Child window code is here
<script langauge="javascript">
function post_value(){
opener.document.f1.p_name.value = document.frm.c_name.value;
<title>(Type a title for your page here)</title>
<body >
<form name="frm" method=post action=''>
<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=250>
<tr><td align="center"> Your name<input type="text" name="c_name" size=12 value=test> <input type=button value='Submit' onclick="post_value();">
In the above code take care that there is no line break ( in parent file ) in line saying
<input type=text name='p_name' id=n1 size='8'>
<input type=text name='p_name2' id=n2 size='8'>
In child window
<script langauge="javascript">
function post_value(){
opener.document.f1.n1.value = document.frm.c_name.value;
opener.document.f1.n2.value = document.frm.c_name2.value;
<title>(Type a title for your page here)</title>
<body >
<form name="frm" method=post action=''>
<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=250>
<tr><td align="center">
Your name<input type="text" name="c_name" size=12 value=test>
<input type="text" name="c_name2" size=12 value=test2>
<input type=button value='Submit' onclick="post_value();">
Passing data from Parent to Child Window
Puneet | 29-03-2014 |
very nice example! Thanks. |
Oscar | 17-09-2014 |
Excellent!!! It works!!! |
Anil | 02-04-2015 |
how can i pass the value from child window if the parent window has the table instead of text box .... |
smo | 02-04-2015 |
I think you are saying passing value to a database table. Here after getting the data in the text box you have to submit the form with new data to store in a database table. You can even directly store then in a table by using JQuery or Ajax. Some more tutorials on this line is going to be added. |
saeid | 30-07-2015 |
thanx man ... you made my day ;) that`s a brilliant example .... |
Priank | 06-10-2015 |
Good Ex. I have situation where in Parent Opens a chil window for Gmail Login. I get email id and then submit it to my application and redirect the parent to the new URL. I am using window.opener.document.location.href for redirection, however limitaion is it supports GET and I want data in POST. Is their a solution/suggestion for me to get around this issue. Thanks beforehand. |
smo1234 | 06-10-2015 |
You can <a href=../html_tutorial/submit-new.php>submit form to a new window</a>. |
nidhi singh | 25-07-2016 |
Parent File name is index.html and child file name is child3.html . i paste the same code but open the pop up window . after submit .nothing happen.what will do? |
smo1234 | 26-02-2017 |
What is the error message you are getting ? Press Ctrl + Shift + J keys ( same time ) to get the JavaScript error window. |
13-11-2022 | |
Excellent!!! It works!!! |