cal_info(): Information about calendar used

This function returns all information available on particular calendar type. Here is the syntax
Here cal_int is an integer to identify the type of calendar required. Here are the values

	0 : CAL_GREGORIAN ( Gregorian Calendar )
1 : CAL_JULIAN ( Julian Calendar )
2 : CAL_JEWISH ( Jewish Calendar )
3 : CAL_FRENCH ( French Revolutionary Calendar )
Here is an example of displaying all information about Julian Calendar
foreach($a as $key => $val) {
echo "$key -> $val <br>"; 
	foreach($val as $key1 => $val1) {
		echo "$key1 -> $val1 <br>"; 
The Output is here
months -> Array 
1 -> January 
2 -> February
3 -> March 
4 -> April 
5 -> May 
6 -> June
7 -> July
8 -> August 
9 -> September 
10 -> October 
11 -> November
12 -> December
abbrevmonths -> Array 
1 -> Jan 
2 -> Feb 
3 -> Mar 
4 -> Apr 
5 -> May 
6 -> Jun 
7 -> Jul 
8 -> Aug 
9 -> Sep 
10 -> Oct
11 -> Nov
12 -> Dec
maxdaysinmonth -> 31 
calname -> Julian 
calsymbol -> CAL_JULIAN 
This is a two dimensional array so we have used two while loops to display all information. If we don't give any calendar number then by default all calendars will be returned. Here it will be a three dimensional array. Here is a sample code.
<table><tr><td valign=top>
while (list ($key, $val) = each ($a)) {
echo "$key -> $val <br>";
while (list ($key1, $val1) = each ($val)) {
echo "$key1 -> $val1 <br>";
while (list ($key2, $val2) = each ($val1)) {
echo "$key2 -> $val2 <br>";
echo "</td><td valign=top>";
echo "</td><td valign=top>";
DEMO of cal_info() is displayed
Calendar Functions
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