Forms are mainly used to collect user entered data to the system. We enter our login data or use one signup form to enter data as a user to a database table or to a form processing script. There are different components like text box, radio buttons, checkbox, combo box or drop down list boxes for users to enter data to a system. You can read more details on web form and its components in our HTML section.
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HTML FORM basics with input fields submit button action page and target attributes
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To handle various display and design issues we have to use front end tool like HTML or JavaScript. Our server side script PHP is used to handle the data as entered by users. We also need PHP to validate the data and post back the error messages if validation fails.
We will discuss some basic issues relating to handling of form components and some sample codes here.
Checkbox How to use and handle checkbox data. Checkbox data How to handle the post back data for a check box if validation fails? Checkbox & database Retrieving and storing data of checkbox
Radio buttons ( or period ) are used when user has to select one of the many options. Once the validation of form fails then how to retain the selected value of the user in the set of period buttons?
How to handle data if register_global is set to OFF at php.ini file. In PHP5 and above register_global is by default set to OFF
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Excellent post. Nice work keep it up. Thanks for sharing the knowledge.
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