We can display a list of student names by taking data from a table. From this list user can click a single record ( say student name column ) to get full details of the record ( student details )
Learn how to use transactions in PHP PDO for secure and efficient database operations. This post covers starting, committing, and rolling back transactions, along with error handling using try-catch. See practical examples for ensuring data integrity while working with databases like MySQL and SQLite.
PHP PDO allows us to interact with MySQL stored procedures efficiently. By using prepared statements and binding parameters, we can call stored procedures from PHP to perform complex operations like data manipulation, input/output handling, and error management.
We can create a stored procedure that takes in parameters like limit and offset to fetch a specific set of records. This allows us to efficiently paginate large datasets.
Here are the key differences between PHP PDO and PHP MySQLi:
Database Support:
PDO: Supports 12 different databases like MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, etc.
MySQLi: Only supports MySQL databases.
Prepared Statements:
Both PDO and MySQLi support prepared statements for secure query execution.
Object-Oriented vs Procedural:
PDO: Purely object-oriented.
MySQLi: Offers both object-oriented and procedural interfaces.
Named Placeholders:
PDO: Supports named placeholders in prepared statements.
MySQLi: Only supports positional placeholders.
PDO: More portable across different database systems.
MySQLi: Limited to MySQL.
PHP MySQL PDO sample script installation using MySQL dump and crating tables in Workbench
Watch our all Video Tutorials on PHP PDO for Managing MySQL database PHP PDO playlist
Basic Php MySQL database script using PDO
You should have PHP installed
Database MySQL
Check PDO connection from PHP to MySQL
How to Install Script
Open sql_dump.txt file and use the sql commands to create your tables.
Open config.php and enter your mysql login details.
Open index.php file and check for any error messages
Open any file and use the top menu to navigate different pages
You can delete table or remove all records by using different pages using top menu.
You can re-initiate all tables and records by visiting links at the top menu.
So feel free to experiment with drop table or deleting records.