PHP Script to create PDF document using FPDF

PHP PDF generator Download FPDF from here.
Keep the fpdf.php file in your working directory, keep the font directory in the same place.
Directory with fpdf class and font file

Installation and generating PDF document in PHP using FPDF class and showing Hello World

Run this code , you are ready with your first pdf file created from FPDF class.
$pdf = new FPDF(); 
$pdf->Cell(80,10,'Hello World!');
$pdf->Output('my_file.pdf','I'); // Send to browser and display
Check the output to display the string in PDF
Above code will display the string, we can manage this output by adding border , alignment, colour , link etc..
$pdf = new FPDF(); 
$pdf->Cell(80,10,'Hello World!',1,0,'R',false,'');
$pdf->Output('my_file.pdf','I'); // send to browser and display
String with border , alignment, background fill in PDF
In the above code we have used cell to add our text to the pdf file with border, alignment , background fill and a link. Here is the details of Cell
Cell for creating pdf document
Try to change the script by adding backgroud color like this.
$pdf->Cell(80,10,'Hello World!',1,0,'R',true,'');
Output with background color is here
Note : Cell function background fill option must be set to true

Adding font colour by SetTextColor()

$pdf = new FPDF(); 
$pdf->SetFillColor(1,99,255); // input R ,G , B 
$pdf->SetTextColor(255,254,254);// input R , G , B 
$pdf->Cell(80,10,'Hello World!',1,0,'C',true,'');
$pdf->Output('my_file.pdf','I'); // Send to browser and display
Output with background and Font color is here

FPDF generating PDF file with Cell() & Output() with the options to manage border, file save in PHP

With border colour by SetDrawColor() and border size by SetLineWidth()

$pdf = new FPDF(); 
$pdf->SetFillColor(1,99,255); // input R ,G , B 
$pdf->SetTextColor(255,254,254);// input R , G , B 
$pdf->SetDrawColor(255,1,1);// input R , G , B 
$pdf->Cell(80,10,'Hello World!',1,0,'C',true,'');
$pdf->Output('my_file.pdf','I'); // Send to browser and display
Output with border width and colour is here
We can add border in any side or in all sides or we can remove the borders of the cell by assigning different values.

Example : To add border to Left , Right and top we can give the option as 'LRT', similarly we can assign border to bottom only by giving the option as 'B'.
Check the border option value with different sides to add border.

Saving the PDF file

We used $pdf->Output('my_file','D'); to get output directly. This line will force download to user machine as pdf file my_file.pdf. We can change this output to save the file in local ( server ) side machine.
$pdf->Output('my_file.pdf','I'); // Send to browser and display
$pdf->Output('my_file.pdf','D'); //  Force file download with name given ( name can be changed )
$pdf->Output('my_file.pdf','F'); //  Saved in local computer with the file name given
$pdf->Output('my_file.pdf','S'); //  Return the document as a string.  

Cell and MultiCell

When we are not aware about the length of the string we are going to use inside Cell, then the string may cross the cell boarder and goes out. In MultiCell the text will wrap and will add line breaks to remain within the boundaries of the MulitCell.



multicell() Drawing Line in PDF Adding Image to PDF File Table in PDF File
Data Table from MySQL database Generate PDF by taking data from MySQL database
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    Excellent post. Nice work keep it up. Thanks for sharing the knowledge.


    Excellent post. Nice work keep it up. Thanks for sharing the knowledge.


    fpdf was run complatly in local host , browser but cant use in live server why?

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