cal_to_jd: getting Julian day count
$day = cal_to_jd(CAL_GREGORIAN,2,2,2103);
echo $day;
The output is 2489197
cal_to_jd('calendar', month, day , year )
In the above code the list of calendar are CAL_GREGORIAN, CAL_JULIAN, CAL_JEWISH and CAL_FRENCH.
Example: Converting Gregorian Date to Julian Day
$jd = cal_to_jd(CAL_GREGORIAN, 10, 8, 2023);
echo "Julian Day: " . $jd; // Output: Julian Day: 2460219
Example: Handling Out-of-Range Dates
$jd = cal_to_jd(CAL_GREGORIAN, 15, 50, 2023);
if ($jd === false) {
echo "Invalid date provided!";
These examples focus on converting dates from various calendars and handling invalid inputs.
Read how cal_to_jd function is used to get weekday
Demo of how Unix timestamp is used to generate Julian Day and Calendar →
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This article is written by team.