getTimestamp() : Timestamp from Date object

getTimestamp ($unixtimestamp);
date_timestamp_set ($date_obj,$unixtimestamp);
Gets the Unix timestamp of the date.
$date_objRequired : Input date object to be assigned new value.
$unixtimestampRequired: Integer , Timestamp of new date and time
mktime() function to generate timestamp
Generate timestamp using date and time

Object Oriented style

Current timestamp
$date = new DateTime(); // current time object
echo "Timestamp: ".$date->getTimestamp()."<br>"; // getting Timestamp
echo $date->format('U = Y-m-d H:i:s');

Procedural style

Current timestamp
$date = date_create(); // current time object
echo "Timestamp: ".date_timestamp_get($date)."<br>"; // getting Timestamp
echo date_format($date, 'U = Y-m-d H:i:s');

Timestamp of any date and time ( Object Oriented Style )

$date = new DateTime('2016-08-25 22:15:40');
echo "Timestamp: ".$date->getTimestamp();// Output is Timestamp: 1472143540

Timestamp of any date and time ( Procedural Style )

$date = date_create('2019-12-28 22:15:40');
echo "Timestamp: ".date_timestamp_get($date); // Output is Timestamp: 1577551540

Other ways to get Unix Timestamp

Function Description
mktime() getting time stamp of input date and time
strtotime()Text string of data to timestamp
PHP Date Functions setDate() : Set date for date object Timestamp in PHP Displaying calendar for selection of date by user
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