filter_has_var(): Check if variable is specified type

$book_id=100; // Direct variable , not through GET 
echo "Yes true $_GET[book_id]";
echo "No false $_GET[book_id]";
Output ( DEMO )
Click here to pass the book_id value through GET method and check the output below.

Click again for without GET variable.
No false 
What is GET and POST method of passing data ?
filter_has_var function checks the variable of specified type is available or not. The same result can be achieved by using isset() function also but the advantage of filter_has_var is it checks the specified type of input ( source ) is available or not.
If we expect the variable to be available by POST method and not by GET method for form posting then the same can be checked by using filter_has_var function in PHP.

Here is the syntax
bool filter_has_var(TYPE, variable_name);
The possible type of availability are

Demo using POST

Book id=

No false 
Source code of above demo is here
echo "<pre><code>";
$book_id=100; // Direct variable , not through GET 
echo "Yes true $_POST[book_id]";
echo "No false $_POST[book_id]";
echo "</code></pre>";
fillter_has_var is a better way than isset() function to to check the existence of a variable.


Filter reference Validating Boolean data Ctype_alnum to check alphanumeric characters Validating Email address
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