While displaying records we will add one Delete link to each record. This delete link will pass the value of product id (p_id ) to our JQuery script.
While displaying records, to each row we will assign one unique id by using the value of p_id. The Delete Image at right side carries the id value of p_id.
Within the JQuery code by using http GET method we will send the p_id value to our backend PHP script delete-record.php ( for MySQLi connection type ) .
This backend script delete-record.php collects the p_id value and after processing the delete query , post back the outcome of the script to front end JQuery function. The same message is displayed to the user by using id=msg_display div tag.
After getting the value of p_id , it will collect the image name from the matching record .
if($stmt = $connection->prepare("SELECT img FROM plus2_db_images
WHERE p_id=?")){
$result = $stmt->get_result();
//echo "No of records : ".$result->num_rows."<br>";
Now let us delete the record matching with p_id value.
$query="DELETE FROM plus2_db_images WHERE p_id=?";
$stmt = $connection->prepare($query);
if ($stmt) {
$stmt->bind_param('i', $p_id);
$elements['msg'].=" Record Deleted <br>";
If the record is deleted then delete the image from directory using unlink()