Download and Install plus signup script

Signup and Manage script in PHP MySQL : plus_signup_v1
You should have PHP installed
Database MySQL
Check PDO connection from PHP to MySQL

download Plus Signup Script
How to Install Script
Open dump_signup.txt file and use the sql commands to create your tables.
Open config.php and enter your mysql login details.
Open forgot-passwordck.php file and set the value for variable $site_url as per your site name and path

Open signup.php file and signup as a user.

This is the basic script to understand how to integrate front end with backend scripts for storing, retrieving data from MySQL database and manage session.

No external libraries like JQuery or Angular is used. Check the script below for advance users who can integrate JQuery , Bootstrap etc..

PHP Signup Script

Advance Signup Script
Start with the basic script at top as it requires knowledge of PHP , MySQL.

You can check our advance Signup - Login script using PHP, MySQL, JQuery & Bootstrap.

You can try plus-signup-v2 and visit this page again.

Watch all Videos on Signup script

Validating inputs
Inputs to Database
Login & session
Change Password
For any changes or modifications , use the Forum

PHP Membership Management Script (Another PHP MySQL Script.)

You can get following features in our Membership Management Script.
Siteadmin approval of each member after signup. After approval only member can login.
Siteadmin can enable or disable member's login status.
Posting of comment under other member profile by logged in members
There is a separate section for members to manage their profile, change password, update profile – photo etc

Visit Here to download Membership Management Script

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    sukhbir singh


    hii plz tell how to install in our website and pages
    Pramod Kharade


    thanks for given such good example. its so useful.


    Shiris Kumar


    I am trying to test this signup code in wamp server. Could you guide me with:
    1. The site url setup.
    2. How do I view any dummy mail (if possible)
    3. How do I post the $site_url to reset the password.
    Thank You.


    1. You can keep in one directory in root.
    2. You can install free mail servers available , long back I was using argosoft. But this is not a must, you can just print out the message to screen and copy the activation URL. This URL then you use in another browser window and see how your script is behaving.
    3. Inside readme.txt file details are there. Open your server root from you browser like https://localhost/plus_signup_v1/signup.php

    Feel free to discuss if any problem you are facing.


    SQLSTATE[HY000] [1044] Access denied for user ''@'localhost' to database 'master_realestate'

    This error was shown me when i try to sign up can you please explain what was that issue?


    Open config.php file and check your MySQL login details.


    I'm having trouble with activatepasswordck.php... Where you compared if($no <>1) then echo "Wrong activation". The sql command reads from plus_key table where pkey=:ak. Please explain what you intend here and why I keep getting "Wrong activation". By the way code has really help me alot, Thank you soo much. Your favourable response would be much appreciated.


    When you use the forgot password link, a random string is generated as key and is stored inside plus_key table. Along with this key a url string with all details are posted to your email address of the user. This part of the script is there inside forgot-passwordck.php page.

    Once the url is clicked by the user from inbox of the link pass all variables to activepassword.php page where userid and ak ( the random string ) is collected and matched against stored data. It correct then allowed to update the new password , same this also checked after the form is submitted to prevent injection attack.


    Thank you so much from Colombia, it works very well.

    Post your comments , suggestion , error , requirements etc here

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