This is a basic script using PHP MySQL, you can read advance rating script using PHP MySQL & Ajax here
There are Three parts in this scirpt.$cont_id="1";// unique id for the page
require "config.php"; // Database connection
require "rating.php";// Show the rating buttons ( Part I )
require "ratingck.php";// handle the rating submitted ( Part II
require "disp.php";// Display the rating already submitted ( part III)
echo "<TABLE width=95% border=0 align=center cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 >
<form name=f1 action='' method=post>";
<input type=hidden name=cont_id value='$cont_id'>
<input type=hidden name=todo value='submit-rating'>
<tr><td ><INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=rone Value=1 onClick='f1.submit()';><img src=images/star.gif>1</td>
<td><INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=rone Value=2 onClick='f1.submit()';>
<img src=images/star.gif><img src=images/star.gif>2</td>
<td ><INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=rone Value=3 onClick='f1.submit()';>
<img src=images/star.gif><img src=images/star.gif><img src=images/star.gif>3</td>
<td ><INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=rone Value=4 onClick='f1.submit()';>
<img src=images/star.gif><img src=images/star.gif><img src=images/star.gif>
<img src=images/star.gif>4</td>
<td ><INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=rone Value=5 onClick='f1.submit()';>
<img src=images/star.gif><img src=images/star.gif>
<img src=images/star.gif><img src=images/star.gif><img src=images/star.gif>5</td></tr>
<tr><td align=center colspan=5 bgcolor='#f1f1f1'> <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT value=Vote NAME=Vote>
</td> </tr></form></table></center> ";
if(isset($todo) and $todo=="submit-rating"){
$rone=$_POST['rone']; // Collect the rating value
$status="OK"; // Flag to store status
if(!isset($rone)){$msg=$msg."Pleae give your score and then click the button";
$status="NOT OK";
// If required additional validations can be added here //
if ($status=="OK"){
if($stmt = $connection->prepare("SELECT rating,nov FROM content_rating WHERE content_rating.cont_id=?")){
$result = $stmt->get_result();
$row=$result->fetch_object(); // get data from table for the page
echo $connection->error;
// This is a new page so first add a new record
$query="INSERT INTO content_rating (cont_id,nov,rating) values ( ?,1,?)";
$stmt->bind_param("ii", $cont_id, $rone);
echo "No of records inserted : ".$connection->affected_rows; // Confirming the update
echo $connection->error;
} // end if , if query execution is successful
} // end if , no record for the rating is found for the page.
else { // Update the rating for the record
$rating=$row->rating;// read previous rating available in table
$nov=$row->nov + 1; // Increase number of votes by 1
$status="OK"; // set the flat
$rating=$rating+$rone; // Add current rating to stored rating
$score_avg=number_format(($row->rating/$row->nov),2,".",""); // Find previous rating to display
$stmt = $connection->prepare("UPDATE content_rating SET rating=$rating,nov=$nov WHERE cont_id =?");
if ($stmt) {
$stmt->bind_param('i', $cont_id);
//echo "Record Updated:";
echo "Averate rating : $score_avg"; // Display the rating
//echo $stmt->affected_rows;
echo $connection->error;
}else{echo $msg;}
}// end of todo checking
Read the part II for display of average rating
### Using SQLite database #####
// This will create the database if not exists in the same location where the script is running.
// For a different location give the path details. // use any one line below.
//$my_conn = new PDO('sqlite:D:\\sqlite-data\\rating.db');// different path
//$my_conn = new PDO('sqlite:'.dirname(__FILE__).'/rating.db'); // same location
#### End of SQLite database ####
###### PHP PDO ##### For php PDO use below lines ##
$host_name = "localhost"; // or different host
$database = "my_db"; // Change your database name
$username = "root"; // Your database user id
$password = "password";// Your password
//////// Do not Edit below /////////
try {
$my_conn = new PDO('mysql:host='.$host_name.';dbname='.$database, $username, $password);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
print "Error!: " . $e->getMessage() . "<br/>";
####### END of PHP PDO ######