Listing of all types of file extensions with total numbers present inside a directory.

This script will display total number of files with different file extensions present inside a directory.

To get all the files including directory and dots ( representing current director and parent directory ) we can use scandir() function.
$path = '../../php_tutorial/'; // change the path
$ar=scandir($path); // Array with all file and directory names
From this we will remove the current directory and parent directory dots ( single and double dots ) by using array_diff()
$ar=array_diff($ar,array('.','..'));// remove dots
Scandir output:  listing of files & sub folders
We will create a function my_pathinfo() to get the name of file extensions of the elements of the array. We will use array_map() function to apply our function my_pathinfo() on all the elements ( output of scandir() ) of the array.
$extensions=array_map('my_pathinfo',$ar); // Array with all file extensions
// function to get file extensions //
function my_pathinfo($str){
return (pathinfo($str, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); // return the file extension
We will use array_count_values() to create an array with extensions used and frequency of their occurrence.
We will display all the elements of the array
while (list ($key, $val) = each ($result)) {
echo "$key ( $val ) <br>";
The full code is here. Change the $path to match your directory path.
$path = '../../php_tutorial/'; // change the path
$ar=scandir($path); // Array with all file and directory names
$ar=array_diff($ar,array('.','..'));// remove dots

// Each element is executed through callback function //
$extensions=array_map('my_pathinfo',$ar); // Array with all file extensions
// function to get file extensions //
function my_pathinfo($str){
return (pathinfo($str, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); // return the file extension
//Count the frequency of occurrence of elements //
while (list ($key, $val) = each ($result)) {
echo "$key ( $val ) <br>";
Here is the output
zip ( 5 ) 
php ( 61 ) 
txt ( 6 ) 
htm ( 3 ) 
js ( 3 ) 
css ( 3 ) 
xml ( 3 ) 
( 7 ) 
csv ( 2 ) 
jpg ( 2 ) 
There are 7 directories present so there is a listing of number 7 without any file extension

Directory Functions PHP Array Change current Directory to a new one
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