$ar=scandir($path);//Array with all files and directories names
$ar=array_diff($ar,array('.','..'));// remove dots
while (list ($key, $f_name) = each ($ar)) {
//echo "$key ( $f_name ) <br>";
Full code is here.
$my_curl = curl_init(); //new cURL handler
$path = 'H:\\data\\'; // Source directory ...change the path
$url='http://localhost/t/curlck.php'; // destination script to receive
//$url=''; // remote server path
$ar=scandir($path); // Array with all files and directories names
$ar=array_diff($ar,array('.','..'));// remove dots ( parent & up directoris )
while (list ($key, $f_name) = each ($ar)) {
//echo "$key ( $f_name ) <br>";
if(!is_dir($f_name)){ // If not directory
$f_path=$path.$f_name; // create the path
//echo $f_path."<br>";
if (function_exists('curl_file_create')) { // php 5.5+
$cFile = curl_file_create($f_path);
} else { //
$cFile = '@' . realpath($f_path);
'file_up' => $cFile
curl_setopt_array($my_curl, $my_array); // use the array
$return_str= curl_exec($my_curl); // Execute/ upload and get data
echo $return_str; // Display the output
} // end of if not directory
} // end of while loop listing all files
curl_close($my_curl); // close the handler
$url='http://localhost/t/curlck.php'; // destination script to receive
//$url=''; // OR remote server path
Here we are pointing to a file curlck.php in remote server. This file receives the uploaded file and place them in a directory. The directory name is given like this.
$add="upload/$file_name"; // path to store uploaded file
This file will receive files at remote server. The directory ( Here upload ) must have the permission to store the files.
Below code will allow all type of files of any size. This can be a security issue. Use carefully for testing in local environment and don’t expose uploading code to outside to upload malicious files.
// This script will allow all file types of any size.
// This can be a security issue and if allowed it will allow others to upload malacious files.
// Use carefully or in local environment only .
// Use at your own risk.
// Create upload directory on same path of the script.
$add="upload/$file_name"; // path to store uploaded file
if(move_uploaded_file ($_FILES['file_up']['tmp_name'], $add)){
echo "<br> $file_name uploaded ";
echo "<br> $file_name Not uploade ";