All titles of pages inside a directory

We have seen in Part 1 of this tutorial how to read the title tags of an html file. Now we will develop a script for reading all the title tags of the files present inside a directory. The basic script remains same and we will only be keeping this basic script within a while loop. This while loop will list all the files present inside a directory.

You must read how in part 1 we have developed the code to handle a file in read mode and collect the text between title tags. Also read how the directory handler works to display all the files.

Here is the code to handle the directory listing.

$path="../dir-name/";// Right your path of the directory
while (($file_name = readdir($handle))!==false) {
We can open files of particular type by using its extensions. Here we will use one if condition to add or exclude different types of files. ( read more on stristr())

// read the file now
Rest of the code is same as part 1 ( file search ). So here is the complete code.
///////////////function my_strip///////////
function my_strip($start,$end,$total){
$total = stristr($total,$start);
$f2 = stristr($total,$end);
return substr($total,strlen($start),-strlen($f2));
/////////////////////End of function my_strip ///
///////////// Reading of file content////
$path="../dir-name/";// Right your path of the file

while (($file_name = readdir($handle))!==false) {


$fd = fopen ($url, "r"); // opening the file in read mode
while($buffer = fread ($fd,1024)){
$contents .=$buffer;
/////// End of reading file content ////////
//////// We will start with collecting title part ///////
echo $t;
echo "<br>";
echo $i;

File Deleting File Checking if file exists before deleting
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