We have seen in Part 1 of this tutorial how to read the title tags of an html file. Now we will develop a script for reading all the title tags of the files present inside a directory. The basic script remains same and we will only be keeping this basic script within a while loop. This while loop will list all the files present inside a directory.
$path="../dir-name/";// Right your path of the directory
while (($file_name = readdir($handle))!==false) {
We can open files of particular type by using its extensions. Here we will use one if condition to add or exclude different types of files. ( read more on stristr())
// read the file now
///////////////function my_strip///////////
function my_strip($start,$end,$total){
$total = stristr($total,$start);
$f2 = stristr($total,$end);
return substr($total,strlen($start),-strlen($f2));
/////////////////////End of function my_strip ///
///////////// Reading of file content////
$path="../dir-name/";// Right your path of the file
while (($file_name = readdir($handle))!==false) {
$fd = fopen ($url, "r"); // opening the file in read mode
while($buffer = fread ($fd,1024)){
$contents .=$buffer;
/////// End of reading file content ////////
//////// We will start with collecting title part ///////
echo $t;
echo "<br>";
echo $i;