header('Content-Type: text/xml');
require "config.php"; // database connection file
$e = new SimpleXMLElement('<detils/>');
if($stmt = $dbo->query("SELECT id, name ,class, mark FROM student")){
foreach ($stmt as $row ) {
//echo $row['id'],$row['name'],$row['class'].$row['mark']."<br>";
$add=$e->addChild('id', $row['id']);
$add=$e->addChild('name', $row['name']);
$add=$e->addChild('mark', $row['mark']);
echo $connection->error;
echo $e->asXML();
Using MySQLi database connection and SimpleXMLElement to addChild()
header('Content-Type: text/xml');
require "config.php"; // database connection file
$e = new SimpleXMLElement('<detils/>');
if($stmt = $connection->query("SELECT id, name ,class, mark FROM student")){
while ($row = $stmt->fetch_assoc()) {
//echo $row['id'],$row['name'],$row['class'].$row['mark']."<br>";
$add=$e->addChild('id', $row['id']);
$add=$e->addChild('name', $row['name']);
$add=$e->addChild('mark', $row['mark']);
echo $connection->error;
echo $e->asXML();
Sample output ( few records ) is here
<name>John Deo</name>
<name>Max Ruin</name>
require "config.php"; // Connect to database
$sql="SELECT * FROM student";
$str ="<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>n<student>";
foreach ($dbo->query($sql) as $row) {
$str .= "\n<details>\n\t\t\t<id>$row[id]</id>\n\t\t\t<name>$row[name]</name> ";
$str .= "\n\t\t\t <class>$row[class]</class>\n</details>";
$str.= "\n</student>";
//echo htmlspecialchars($str); // remove this line if you are writing to file
echo $str;
/// Write to file ////////////
$file_name="test_file.xml"; // file name
$fp = fopen ($file_name, "w");
// Open the file in write mode, if file does not exist then it will be created.
fwrite ($fp,$str); // entering data to the file
fclose ($fp); // closing the file pointer
Read more on MySQLi SELECT query to get Data from table
Read more on displaying records